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Paraqeet shows what’s trending in parents’ quests for elusive baby formula

With American parents and infants deep into a baby formula shortage, there’s no shortage of blame being hurled on Twitter at anyone or anything that might be culpable — formula makers, the Food and Drug Administration, the coronavirus, capitalism and the Biden and Trump administrations. But a trip through the flame throwing with a Paraqeet search shows parents, grandparents, friends and even strangers are staying out of the muck and simply trying to make sure everyone can feed their babies.

Paraqeet is a great tool for a quick look at what ideas people are coalescing around in real time.With the formula shortage, the trend is clear: Here’s how to find something to feed your baby. Without further ado, here are the top six recommendations Paraqeet found being shared across Twitter.

  1. Hit up Canada

Reviews of success with the north-of-the-border tip were mixed.

While posters argued over whether this was misinformation, the tip irritated some Canadians.

  1. Get a little help from your (Twitter) friends

Generosity of time and spirit were evident as desperate parents, grandparents and friends offered to go on the search even for complete strangers.

  1. DIY

Quite a contingent of Twitter users promoted the “it didn’t kill me” theory in suggesting parents go retro and use homemade formula. To be clear, doctors threw up warning flags, saying homemade formula doesn’t contain the right nutrition and, depending on ingredients, could be deadly.

  1. What’s up, Doc?

Although the White House took heavy Twitter jabs for suggesting parents in search of formula call their doctor …

Some Twitter users in dire straits found the pediatrician helpful.

  1. Return of the wet nurse

Mothers across the country were offering their own excess breast milk to parents in need, and milk banks saw a surge in both demand and donations.

  1. Problem solved?

Oddly enough, Bette Midler joined the fray and set the Twitterverse on fire with this:

As did most others who tweeted that this was an easy solution, Midler received lessons in basic anatomy, physiology and medical conditions; adoptive, foster and male parents; and economic hurdles.

Light appears to be at the end of a still very long tunnel, as President Biden invoked the

Defense Production Act to speed up formula manufacturing and directed agencies to use the Defense Department’s commercial aircraft to pick up products from overseas. Also, a consent decree will allow the shuttered Abbott formula manufacturing facility to reopen but it’s expected to take six to eight weeks for product to hit store shelves.

What will tomorrow’s tips for dealing with the shortage be? Paraqeet is the quickest way to find out.